रोगाः कुतः संशमनं किमेषां हर्षस्य शोकस्य च किं निमित्तम्| शरीरसत्त्वप्रभवा विकाराः कथं न शान्ताः पुनरापतेयुः || ३९ ||


“How do rōgā (diseases) occur? What is their saṁ śamanaṁ (remedy)? What is the cause of harṣasya (happiness) and śōkasya (sorrow)? How to ascertain that śarīra (physical) and (sattva) mental vikārāḥ (disorders), once subdued, do not recur?”

CA SĀ 2:39


Decode Authentic Āyurveda

In a world where Āyurveda has been watered down to Western concepts both in India and abroad, we aim to revive traditional learning and understanding of Āyurveda. Looking at the Saṃhitās, Āyurveda's collection of ancient texts, it is obvious how much the modern world has to learn from them. Not only because of the various recipes and possible remedies to the expression of doṣic imbalances they contain, but truly because they reconnect us to our inner and nature's wisdom and as such are key in the quest for soul alignement and happiness most people seek nowadays. More importantly, they teach us how to think and orient ourselves in any given situation and place, including our fast-paced and streamlined culture, and thereby enable each person willing to learn to let the true wisdom of Ayurveda shine through them.   


If you ...

  • would like to understand pure undiluted Āyurveda in its full width, in line with classical texts, applied to our modern lives;
  • wish to share the beauty of Āyurveda and help others re-align to their purpose and enhance their wellbeing; and 
  • are looking for an empowering mentorship program to help you establish an independent and efficient practice.


You are most welcome to join one of our two Āyurveda Kula tracks! 

We offer two mentorship programs: Paricāraka (Āyurvedic Therapist) and Aspiring Vaidya (Āyurvedic Consultant). Both tracks are carried out through three-level modules, best planned over 2-3 years.  However, you will be able to start an initial practice as soon as 6-9 months after beginning our mentorship.  


Āyurveda Initiation, which is a common 12 week-course for both tracks. It is the gateway to all further studies with us. Certified practitioners may bypass this course provided they pass an oral and written exam demonstrating their proficiency in classical teachings. 


For aspiring therapists and bodyworkers, we offer Paricāraka Level 1 (Āyurvedic Therapist) followed by Paricāraka Level 2 (Pañca Karma Therapist). Āyurvedic Therapist is also available as a 6-month fast-track curriculum. These two modules are truly indispensable for practitioners wishing to establish an independent one-stop Āyurveda Center. 


Diet & Lifestyle Coach Level 1 followed by Aspiring Vaidya Level 2 focuses on the in-person or online coaching and consulting aspects and offers the most advanced exploration of the Samhitās. 

Courses are taught in French and/or in English. 


We wish you well in your studies. May the seeds of Āyurveda sprout, blossom and radiate through your practice! 

Take me to available entry courses



 Welcome to Āyurveda

Our Āyurveda Initiation explores traditional Āyurveda through the lens of Astanga Hrdayam, a foundational text whose first chapters are learned by heart by all Āyurveda students in India.  

Discover Āyurveda as it has been practiced for millennia, demystify common beliefs, and learn all the essential concepts in their most authentic sense. This course will allow you to begin your transformative journey and to step on whichever path this science of life will lead you, with full confidence.

 This course is for you if:

  • You would like to learn more about classical Āyurveda from the comfort of your home (online);
  • You would simply like to explore and find out if Āyurveda is for you;
  • You would like to start a career as a Therapist or Diet & Lifestyle Coach or Consultant;
  • You are looking to understand Āyurveda with clear concepts and references empowering you to practice independently directly with the Saṃhitās; 
  • Or you simply wish to add an Āyurvedic touch to your current life or practice in the beauty, wellness, yoga, fitness or health industry. 

Find out more by clicking on the tabs below.

Āyurveda Initiation in French
Āyurveda Initiation in English

स्निग्धोऽजुगुप्सुर्बलवान् युक्तो व्याधितरक्षणे | वैद्यवाक्यकृदश्रान्तः पादः परिचरः स्मृतः ||२४|| 

“The therapist should be snigda (affectionate, compassionate), ajugupsu (honorable, fautless), balavān (strong),  yuktō vyādhitarakṣaṇē (protective of the client's wellbeing) and vaidya vākya kr̥da śrāntaḥ (collaborative with the Vaidya). 

                                                                                                                                                                                                SU SŪ 34:24


Heal through touch 

Traditionally, the Paricāraka always worked very closely twith the Vaidya and the Rogi, thereby serving an essential function within the four pillars of health (the last one being the dravya, the plants used). Even today, the therapist serves an essential function, whether it is to offer a wellness escape to a client through a stand-alone individual ritual or as part of an Āyurvedic Pañca Karma Retreat. 

Our Level I Paricāraka Track comprises a theoretical online course on Āyurvedic Bodywork Foundation where most emblematic therapies will be broken down and discussed. 

Some of the therapies include: 

  • Snehan (abhyanga) & Svedan techniques 
  • Śirodharā (pouring of liquid — usually oil, milk, buttermilk, or water — onto the forehead) and other localized dharā techniques 
  • Tarpanam Basti (nourrishing oil applications) 
  • Udvartana (herbal scrubs)
  • Pinda svedan (herbal cleansing or nourrishing bolus applications)
  • Marma point initiation (energy points)

Once the theoretical portion of a therapy is completed, the practical training takes place, either therapy by therapy (2-3 days immersions) or as an all therapies 14-days immersion. Please note that practical trainings are limited to 6 participants per instructor at the time for you to receive our full attention. 

Level II Paricāraka Track builds upon Level I and teaches the sequencing and execution of the above mentioned therapies in a Pañca Karma setting as well as more traditional therapies.  Level II will be offered at the end of 2025. Stay tuned!

विद्या मतिः कर्मदृष्टिरभ्यासः सिद्धिराश्रयः| वैद्यशब्दाभिनिष्पत्तावलमेकैकमप्यतः||२२||

यस्य त्वेते गुणाः सर्वे सन्ति विद्यादयः शुभाः| स वैद्यशब्दं सद्भूतमर्हन् प्राणिसुखप्रदः||२३||


"Vidyā (desire to learn) matiḥ (wisdom acquise through studies), karmadr̥ṣṭi (practical observation), abhyāsaḥ (repeated  practice, experience), siddhi (successful management) āśrayaḥ (continuous guidance from eminent mentors – of these, even one quality is sufficient to add significance to the degree of vaidya. The one, who possesses all the auspicious qualities like learning etc., deserves to hold the honorable degree of vaidya who showers prāṇisukha (happiness) on all living beings."

                                                                                                                                                                                               CA SŪ 9:22-23


If you aspire to spread joy and happiness in your community through the ancient wisdom of Āyurveda just like the Prāṇābhisara described in Caraka, this advanced mentorship is for you.

Diet & Lifestyle Coach (Level I) comprises 175 hours of online courses fully based on the Samhitas and 125 hours of practical training applications with our clients. Personal work is expected to amount to another 300 hours, with group projects, learning, and research carried on, on the side.

If you are busy, there is a possibility to spread out the program over two years. Year 1 can be Ayurveda Initiation + Sanskrit (100 hours of coursework followed by a short 25 h practitum); and Year 2 the Diet & Lifestyle Coursework (100 hours) followed by 100 hours of practicum in 2 sessions.   

Āyurveda Consultant (Level II) is to come in 2026. 

For inquiries and questions, please email us. 2025 Entry Courses open for enrollment are shown below. 




Start your studies  

Entry Level Courses are available to all and are a prerequisite to out various tracks. 

For example, if you would like to join our Aspiring Vaidya track, Heart of Āyurveda Initiaton and Sanskrit Prathama are mandatory. 

If you would like to learn Spa therapies such as Abhyanga, only Heart of Āyurveda Initiation is mandatory. We want our therapists to know All Things Āyurveda basics so that they can thrive! 



Rejoignez nos cours phare d'initiation à l'Āyurveda. Les connaissances sont directement transmises depuis les slokas en Sanskrit. 


Notre cours de Sanskrit Prathama vise à vous apprendre les bases du Sanskrit avec une perspective ayurvédique. 


Our Sanskrit Prathama course will teach you the foundations of Sankrit with an āyurvedic outlook and vocabulary. 


Join our upcoming Heart of Āyurveda Cohort. All foundations will be unlocked through the original texts.